Annual travel protection – secured on any number of trips

Annual travel protec­tion
Test seal

Annual travel cover

  • Valid worldwide
  • Any number of trips
  • No deductible
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Your benefits

Summer holiday, city break or weekend trip – you love to travel and are often on the road during the year? With annual travel cover, you and your family are fully protected for up to 62 days on all trips. In the event of an emergency, the experts from our travel assistance service will be there to help you in all matters. In addition, you are comprehensively covered in the event of illness, accidents and liability claims. Delay and transfer protection rounds off the annual travel cover.

Sickness and accident cover during the trip

Insurance in the event of travel irregularities

Cancellation insurance & travel assistance in emergencies

24-hour emergency call service

Tariff overview

Travel inter­rup­tion insurance

Reimbursement of costs if you need to cancel, interrupt or extend the trip.

Return travel protection
  • Post-travel costs in case of interruption of travel, accommodation and return travel costs
  • Insured events include unexpected, serious illnesses, pregnancy, accident injury
Delay protection

If public transport is delayed by more than 2 hours, we reimburse additional outward journey costs, accommodation costs and return journey costs.

Transfer protection

If the feeder flight is delayed by more than 2 hours at the connecting airport in Europe, we reimburse additional transfer costs, costs for a new booking and accommodation costs.

Reimbursement of deductible

If your travel booking already includes cancellation insurance (with a deductible), we pay the deductible charged by the primary insurer (e.g. credit card, tour operator) up to 20% of the insured travel price. 

Luggage insurance

Replacement for damaged, lost or late baggage.

Travel accident insurance

Reimbursement of expenses in the event of death or disability

Personal assistance
Worldwide 24h emergency call service at:
  • Loss of travel funds, bank cards, travel documents and delays
  • Guardian angel in case of damage to the house & damage to the car (deductible)
Travel health insurance
  • Out-patient & in-patient treatment
  • Home transport including ambulance jet
  • Surgery, medicine and bandages
Travel liability insurance

Liability risks of everyday life and rental damages.

until € 1 Mio. 
Number of tripsany number of trips 
Maximum trip dura­tion62 days per trip
Affordable family tariff
Sample price

from 89 €

(per year for individuals, up to 64 years)
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The most important benefits – at a glance

Travel health insurance
What´s coveredPremium
Out-patient medical treatment
Out-patient medical treatment
Pain-relieving, conservative dental treatment
Pain-relieving, conservative dental treatment
Medikamente und Verbandmittel
Medikamente und Verbandmittel
Radiation therapy, light therapy, and other physical treatments
Radiation therapy, light therapy, and other physical treatments
Massages, compresses, inhalations and physiotherapy
Massages, compresses, inhalations and physiotherapy
Aid prescribed
Aid prescribed
X-ray diagnostics
X-ray diagnostics
Inpatient medical treatment
Inpatient medical treatment
Medi­cally necessary pregnancy treat­ments and prema­ture births
Medi­cally necessary pregnancy treat­ments and prema­ture births
Transport by ambulance for in-patient treatment
Transport by ambulance for in-patient treatment
Medically required return transport of patients
Medically required return transport of patients
Costs for an accom­panying person in case of return trans­port of sick persons
Costs for an accom­panying person in case of return trans­port of sick persons
Transfer costs
Transfer costs
Funeral costs abroad
Funeral costs abroad
Subse­quent payments abroad
Subse­quent payments abroad
Dispatch of medi­cines
Dispatch of medi­cines
Visit to the hospital – in case of hospital stay longer than 5 days
Visit to the hospital – in case of hospital stay longer than 5 days
Information about local doctors
Information about local doctors
Communication of information between doctors
Communication of information between doctors
Trip interruption protection
What´s coveredPremium
In case of travel interruption
In case of travel interruption
Full refund of the travel price if the trip is cancelled within the first half of the trip (max. within the first 8 days)
Full refund of the travel price if the trip is cancelled within the first half of the trip (max. within the first 8 days)
Reimbursement of unused travel services if the trip is interrupted during the second half of the trip (from the 9th day at the latest)
Reimbursement of unused travel services if the trip is interrupted during the second half of the trip (from the 9th day at the latest)
Reimbursement of demonstrably incurred additional return travel costs and other additional costs directly caused by this
Reimbursement of demonstrably incurred additional return travel costs and other additional costs directly caused by this
In case of travel interruption
In case of travel interruption
Reimbursement of unused travel services
Reimbursement of unused travel services
Repayment of travel expenses, for a round trip or cruise, in order to be able to return to the tour group
Repayment of travel expenses, for a round trip or cruise, in order to be able to return to the tour group
In case of late return
In case of late return
Reimbursement of accommodation costs for extended stay in the event of incapacity for transport and elementary events
Reimbursement of accommodation costs for extended stay in the event of incapacity for transport and elementary events
Reimbursement of additional return travel costs and related costs
Reimbursement of additional return travel costs and related costs
Insured reasons
Insured reasons
Financial damage (more than € 5,000) due to property crime/accident
Financial damage (more than € 5,000) due to property crime/accident
Unexpected worsening of an existing condition
Unexpected worsening of an existing condition
Illness or death of dogs, cats, horses
Illness or death of dogs, cats, horses
Unexpected serious illness
Unexpected serious illness
Death, serious accident injury
Death, serious accident injury
Pregnancy after booking a trip
Pregnancy after booking a trip
Fracture of prostheses, loosening of implanted joints
Fracture of prostheses, loosening of implanted joints
Failure to pass the Matura/apprenticeship examination or “stay down” at school
Failure to pass the Matura/apprenticeship examination or “stay down” at school
Job loss followed by unemployment
Job loss followed by unemployment
Significant damage to property
Significant damage to property
Unexpected court summons
Unexpected court summons
Divorce action, dissolution of registered partnership
Divorce action, dissolution of registered partnership
Change of job, short-time work
Change of job, short-time work
Re-employment after unemployment
Re-employment after unemployment
Return travel protection, delay protection, transfer protection
What´s coveredPremium
Post-travel costs in case of interruption of travel, accommodation and return travel costs
Post-travel costs in case of interruption of travel, accommodation and return travel costs
Additional outward travel costs, accommodation costs and return travel costs if public transport is delayed by more than 2 hours
Additional outward travel costs, accommodation costs and return travel costs if public transport is delayed by more than 2 hours
Additional return travel costs in case of delay of the feeder flight
Additional return travel costs in case of delay of the feeder flight
Costs of rebooking in case of delay of the feeder flight
Costs of rebooking in case of delay of the feeder flightup to € 500
Accommodation costs in case of delay of the feeder flight
Accommodation costs in case of delay of the feeder flightup to € 75 
Reimbursement of deductible
What´s coveredPremium
Exclusion of deductible from existing cancellation insurance (e. g. credit card, tour operator, etc. ) up to 20% of the travel price
Exclusion of deductible from existing cancellation insurance (e. g. credit card, tour operator, etc. ) up to 20% of the travel price
Luggage insurance
What´s coveredPremium
Damage and loss (by transporter), theft, damage in traffic accidents and damage caused by fire, explosion or elementary events
Damage and loss (by transporter), theft, damage in traffic accidents and damage caused by fire, explosion or elementary eventsup to € 3.500 (Single)

up ro € 7.000 (Family)
Replacement purchases in case of luggage delay at destination
Replacement purchases in case of luggage delay at destinationup to € 750 per person

up to € 1.500 per family
Travel accident insurance
What´s coveredPremium
Amount insured
Amount insured
Sum insured in the event of death
Sum insured in the event of death€ 20.000
In case of invalidity 
In case of invalidity € 40.000
Rescue costs
Rescue costs€ 80.000
Cosmetic surgery costs
Cosmetic surgery costs€ 5.000

Personal-Assistance insurance
What´s coveredPremium
Travel call
Travel call
In criminal proceedings
In criminal proceedings
Assistance in cases of arrest and threat of arrest (loans)
Assistance in cases of arrest and threat of arrest (loans)up to € 3.000 
Penalty bond (loans)
Penalty bond (loans)up to € 13.000
In case of loss of means of payment and documents
In case of loss of means of payment and documents
Loss of travel funds (loans)
Loss of travel funds (loans)up to € 1.500 
Help in case of loss of credit cards and debit or Maestro cards
Help in case of loss of credit cards and debit or Maestro cards
Loss of travel documents
Loss of travel documents
Help with rebookings/delays
Help with rebookings/delays
Guardian angel for your house (emergency repairs) and your vehicle (self-retention in case of damage to the shell)
Guardian angel for your house (emergency repairs) and your vehicle (self-retention in case of damage to the shell)€ 500
Travel liability insurance
What´s coveredPremium
Liability risks of everyday life
Liability risks of everyday life€ 1 Mio.
Losses of rent per insurance case
Losses of rent per insurance case€ 25.000

Questions and Answers

By when can I take out annual travel protection?

By 1 day before departure

You can take out travel insurance up to one day before departure.

Can I also take out annual travel cover after the start of my trip?

Yes, but this does not apply to the current trip

If you take out annual travel cover after the start of your trip, the insurance cover only applies to the following trips.

Is there a maximum duration per trip?

Yes, 62 days

With annual travel protection, you are insured for as many trips as you like within 365 days. The maximum travel duration per trip is 62 days.

Do I have to expect deductible costs?


With the annual travel protection, you do not have to expect any deductible costs.

Does the insurance cover also exist within Austria?

Yes, with restrictions

Insurance cover is only provided within Austria for booked trips that include at least one overnight stay. In addition, your destination must be more than 50 km from your home.

What do I do if I fall ill abroad?

Information for emergencies

If you need medical treatment during your stay abroad and have to go to hospital, for example, you are well protected with annual travel protection. You can reach our 24-hour emergency call service around the clock by calling +43-1-3152444. After the underlying event for a claim has occurred, fill out the travel health insurance claim form and return it to us as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can also report your claim online using our online claim form. If we require further documents than those requested in the form, we will contact you.

Discover the Mobile Pass

Never print insurance documents anymore – with the Mobile Pass you can digitally store contract data on your smartphone or tablet.

Did you know? Facts about annual travel protection


Any number of things can go wrong on a trip. The plane is delayed, your luggage gets lost, you fall ill unexpectedly or have an accident. With HanseMerkur annual travel protection, you are optimally protected in the event of incidents and irregularities. The annual protection package includes, among other things, travel curtailment protection, delay protection, travel accident insurance and travel health insurance. With annual travel protection, you are covered for 365 days. The policy is valid for as many trips as you like and often pays for itself from just 2 trips a year.

Suitable for whom?

Our annual travel cover is worthwhile for all those who travel several times a year for business or pleasure. The wide range of benefits is particularly valuable outside Europe or for active holidays. We not only insure your health, but also your luggage and liability claims. Our annual travel protection also covers you if not everything goes smoothly with your journey and transfers. By the way: The annual travel protection is also available as a favourable family tariff for up to 7 persons.

Annual cancellation protection

Protect yourself against incidents not only during the journey, but also beforehand. With our annual cancellation and travel protection, you are protected if you unexpectedly do not take a trip. In the Premium variant, you benefit from additional services: We reimburse higher sums and accept even more insured events. In all tariffs, our worldwide emergency number supports you around the clock, even on Sundays and public holidays.

Important documents for download

All important documents at a glance for printing or saving:

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89 €

(per year for indi­vi­duals, up to 64 years)

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