Luggage insurance

Luggage insurance – the best protection for suitcases, trolleys and co.

You have survived the flight, the long train or bus journey well and are ready to start your holiday. But then this happens: Your suitcase is damaged or no longer shows up where it is supposed to. With luggage insurance, you won't be stuck with the costs. We will reimburse you for the value of the items you brought with you.

Why is luggage insurance worthwhile?

Whether you are packing for a short trip of several days or a longer stay abroad – if you travel with luggage, you often carry a high financial value with you. If your luggage gets lost – e.g. through theft – or is damaged or even destroyed, the non-material damage is already annoying enough. With luggage insurance, you will be reimbursed for the current value of your luggage. The current value describes the value of your luggage at the time of the loss or before the damage.

What benefits should luggage insurance cover?

In a best-case scenario, a good luggage insurance policy not only compensates for the current value of lost or damaged luggage, but also reimburses replacement purchases if your luggage arrives late. HanseMerkur's luggage insurance enables both.

But how is the current value of a piece of luggage determined? The purchase price of your luggage less an amount corresponding to the condition of the insured items (age, wear and tear, use, etc.) applies. If you can produce proof of purchase, we will waive a deduction for the current value, provided the items were less than 6 months old at the time of the insured event.

Depending on which plan you choose, your luggage is insured up to a certain sum insured. Your suitcases can no longer be found? With the Carefree plan, we will reimburse you up to € 2,000 for individuals and up to € 4,000 for families. With the Premium plan, you get back costs of up to € 3,500 individually and up to € 7,500 for families.

If your luggage arrives late at your destination, you have the option of making replacement purchases of up to €250 in the Carefree plan and up to €400 as an individual or family in the Premium plan.

For which reasons does luggage insurance take effect?

Within the framework of our luggage insurance, the insurance cover takes effect if:

  • your luggage placed in the custody of a third party is lost, destroyed or damaged while in the custody of a carrier, accommodation establishment or luggage storage facility;
  • your checked luggage does not reach its destination on the same day as you.
  • your luggage is lost, destroyed or damaged during the rest of the journey by a) a third party (e.g. theft or damage to property), b) an accident involving the means of transport (e.g. traffic accident) or c) fire, explosion or natural events.

Please note that there is no insurance cover if:

  • you lose luggage, leave it standing, lying or hanging.
  • luggage items incur damage from wear and tear during the journey.

Are you planning a camping holiday and would like to insure your luggage? Please note that insurance cover is only available at official campsites if damage occurs during the day between 6.00 a.m. and 10.00 p.m. and you have locked your tent or camping vehicle.

Which items are actually insured?

With luggage insurance, we compensate you financially for the damage to many different items carried with you. This includes:

  • Jewellery, furs, objects made of precious metals, laptops, cameras and film cameras
  • Glasses, contact lenses, hearing aids
  • Golf and diving equipment, bicycles, each with accessories
  • Surfboards, sail surfing equipment, kite surfing equipment and paragliders, each with accessories
  • Musical instruments with accessories
  • IT equipment and portable communication and entertainment devices with accessories

Please note that we cannot provide insurance cover for cash, securities, credit cards, tickets and documents.

How can I take out luggage insurance?

Luggage insurance is a useful addition to your insurance cover when travelling. Therefore, we do not offer them as individual insurance policies, but as part of our insurance packages. With HanseMerkur's cancellation and travel protection, in addition to luggage insurance, you also benefit from travel health insurance, travel accident cover and travel liability insurance, among other things. This is because, in addition to your personal belongings, it is equally important that you are also comprehensively protected when you are on the road.

If you are planning a group trip with at least 10 people under the age of 30, we recommend cancellation and travel protection for club and class trips with included luggage insurance. 

If you travel several times a year, our Premium annual travel protection is often worthwhile for as few as two trips a year. With this insurance package, you not only protect your luggage in the event of claim, but also benefit from accident and health cover during your trip, a holiday guarantee and travel assistance in emergencies.

What should I do if my luggage is damaged or lost?

Was your luggage damaged by a third party or by natural events (e.g. fire)? Report your incident immediately to the competent police station and submit an inventory of all affected property. Also note the acquisition date and price of the damaged items. Have the incident confirmed in writing and submit the police report to us.

If your luggage has been lost or damaged by a carrier, report the damage to the agency responsible for transport and ask for written confirmation. If you submit the written confirmation to us, we can compensate you financially for your loss.