Guest insurances

Incoming travel insurance for guests

  • Valid in Austria & Schengen countries
  • Also bookable after entry
  • Stay up to 364 days
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Travel insurances for foreign guests

Guest insurance for Austria and the Schengen area

Are you planning a stay in Austria and require a visa? You need incoming travel insurance for your Schengen visa. HanseMerkur fulfils all legal requirements and offers comprehensive health, accident and cancellation cover for tourist or business trips. Are you staying longer? We also have suitable incoming travel insurance for foreign guests who are studying, working or researching in Austria.

Incoming insurances at a glance

Did you know? Facts about incoming insurances

What is incoming travel insurance?

Incoming travel insurance is protection for foreign visitors to Austria and Europe. It can be taken out by persons who have their permanent residence abroad and not in Austria. It is therefore suitable for foreign nationals, but also for Austrian nationals who do not live in Austria.

Our insurance policies for foreign guests can be taken out by the following groups of people:

  • Holidaymaker
  • Au Pairs
  • (Language) pupils, students, scholarship holders, doctoral candidates
  • Work & Travel travellers

What benefits does incoming insurance cover?

We recommend the following insurance cover for long-term stays:

  • Cover in the event of illness: assumption of costs for medical treatment and aids, including repatriation
  • Protection against liability risks for personal injury and property damage
  • Protection in the event of accidents that lead to disability and death
  • Protection in the event of damage, loss or destruction of luggage
  • Protection in emergencies

When do you need incoming insurance?

There are various reasons for taking out incoming insurance:

  • To apply for a Schengen visa to enter the EU, non-EU citizens need sufficient health insurance cover
  • Foreign travellers in Austria have little insurance cover from their home country and need additional protection
  • The insurance in the home country does not cover the full costs in the event of a claim and foreign visitors have to pay themselves
  • High costs for medically appropriate repatriation are covered