Annual travel protection

Annual travel insurance in comparison

Are you a frequent traveller and do you travel several times a year for business or pleasure? Our annual travel insurance policies are often worthwhile compared to a one-off insurance policy for as few as 2 trips per year. The prerequisite for this is that your individual trips do not exceed the duration of 62 days. In our annual travel insurance comparison, we have directly compared all the benefits of our annual insurance policies. Whether for private holidays or business trips – find out at a glance which offer is best suited to you.

Annual travel insurance in comparison

Premium for annual travel protectionAnnual cancellation and travel protection
Maximum travel durationup to 62 days per tripup to 62 days per trip
Scope of coverWorldwide (transfer protection – Europe only)Worldwide (transfer protection – Europe only)
Travel cancellation insurance
Travel cancellation insurance highlights:
  • Reimbursement of contractually agreed cancellation, rebooking or cancellation costs, if there is an insured reason
  • No excess
  • We will cover the costs if you miss a flight, ferry, train or bus due to the delay of public transport.
  • You can rebook for personal reasons up to 42 days before the start of your trip – we will cover the rebooking costs of up to € 30  per person.
Travel curtailment insurance

Reimbursement of costs if you need to cancel, interrupt or extend the trip.

Return transport insurance
Travel inter­rup­tion insurance highlights:
  • Post-travel costs in case of interruption of travel, accommodation and return travel costs
  • Insured events include unexpected, serious illnesses, pregnancy, accident injury
Delay protection

If public transport is delayed by more than 2 hours, we reimburse additional outward journey costs, accommodation costs and return journey costs.

Transfer protection

If the feeder flight is delayed by more than 2 hours at the connecting airport in Europe, we reimburse additional transfer costs, costs for a new booking and accommodation costs.

Deductible assumption

If your travel booking already includes cancellation insurance (with a deductible), we pay the deductible charged by the primary insurer (e.g. credit card, tour operator) up to 20% of the insured travel price. 

Travel luggage insurance

Replacement for damaged, lost or late baggage.

Travel accident insurance

Reimbursement of expenses in the event of death or disability

Travel assistance insurance

Worldwide accessible 24-hour travel emergency call provides support in urgent cases during the trip, for example if you lose your means of payment.

International health insurance
Travel health insurance highlights:
  • out-patient & in-patient treatment
  • Home transport including ambulance jet
  • Surgery, medicine and bandages
Travel liability insuranceup to € 1 mup to € 1 million in the Premium plan
Details Details

How useful is an annual travel insurance policy: A comparison of travel habits

We recommend our annual travel protection to all frequent travellers who travel abroad several times a year for business or pleasure. The annual cover combines the most important travel insurance policies, which are especially valuable for non-EU countries or active holidays. Especially there, we recommend additional coverage through travel accident insurance and travel assistance insurance in case of emergencies. But also if you travel as a family several times a year and want to optimally cover your holidays, the annual travel protection can already be worthwhile from 2 trips per year. In our family plan, you can insure up to 7 people together. You can take out annual travel protection at any time. You pay for the annual policy once a year.

With or without travel cancellation insurance? Annual travel insurance rates in comparison

Our two annual travel insurance policies protect you for 365 days on as many domestic and international trips as you like, with a maximum of 62 days per trip. To decide on an annual insurance policy, you should first and foremost ask yourself how important it is for you to have cancellation protection for your trips. Are your trips particularly cost-intensive or do you want to insure a larger group of risk persons against travel cancellation? As the risk of having to cancel a trip for unforeseeable reasons always increases when travelling with several people, it may be worth taking out our annual cancellation insurance with travel protection. This includes cancellation protection for all your trips within one year. If, on the other hand, comprehensive insurance cover during your travels is primarily important to you, we recommend our Premium annual travel protection.

Annual travel insurance: Comparison of the services behind our two offers

Both the Annual Cancellation Insurance with Travel Protection and our Annual Travel Protection Premium cover you for a full year on all your trips with comprehensive travel health insurance. In addition to the international health insurance, the annual cover includes the following benefits:

  • Delay and transfer cover, which insures against travel irregularities (e.g. in the event of a flight delay)
  • Travel liability insurance
  • Extra return travel protection: Post-travel costs in the event of a curtailment of travel, accommodation and return travel costs to the place of residence in Austria
  • Luggage insurance (covers the current value of your luggage in the event of damage, theft or loss by the carrier).
  • Travel assistance insurance (protection in case of emergency)
  • Travel curtailment insurance (applies in the event of travel curtailment up to the amount of the trip price specified in the selected plan).

In contrast to premium annual travel protection – which includes all the benefits in the Premium plan – you can choose between the Carefree and Premium plans within the annual cancellation insurance with travel protection. All plan information is also available on our product details page.

Annual travel insurance in comparison: Which plan should I choose?

Under the Premium plan for our annual travel insurance policies, you benefit from additionally insured events: For example, travel curtailment insurance kicks in if an existing illness unexpectedly worsens or you suffer a financial loss (over € 5,000) due to a property crime or an accident.

In addition, individual benefits are covered by a higher sum insured: Within a luggage insurance policy, we will reimburse you e.g. up to € 3,500 in case of damage, theft or loss (by carrier) and up to € 7,000 in case of families. Under the Carefree plan you receive up to € 2,000 and up to € 4,000 for families. We cover 100% of inpatient medical treatment in the Premium plan and up to € 300,000 in the Carefree plan.

Deductible costs also depend on the plan. In general, you only pay a 20% deductible for medical expenses abroad in the Carefree plan, provided that the claims have not first been submitted to social or private insurance. There is no deductible in the Premium plan. To decide on a plan that is right for you, it is best to consider which benefits are particularly important to you or whether, for example, you belong to the risk group due to a pre-existing condition.