Travel protec­tion insurance – well secured on the go

Travel protec­tion insurance
Test seal

Travel protec­tion insurance

  • For short or longer trips
  • Valid in Europe or worldwide
  • Favourable family rates
Calcu­late & Book
3 €
per day

Carefree tariff, valid within Europe

Your benefits

Sporting activities, rental car excursions or unfamiliar cuisine – there are many situations that harbour potential danger on holiday. HanseMerkur travel protection insurance offers you extensive benefits and support in the event of an emergency. Whether in the event of illness, accident, liability and luggage damage or transport delays – with our travel protection insurance, you are optimally covered worldwide. Book your holiday cover now and head off relaxed into "the most beautiful time of the year".

Insurance in the event of travel irregularities

Sickness and accident cover during the trip

Travel curtailment insurance & travel assistance in emergencies

24-hour emergency call service

Tariff over­view

Trip inter­rup­tion insurance
Travel inter­rup­tion insurance high­lights
  • Refund of the entire travel price if cancelled within the first half of the trip (max. 8 days)
  • Refund of unused travel services within the second half of the trip (from day 9)
  • Insured events include unex­pected, serious illnesses, pregnancy, damage to property
  • The premium rate also secures many other events
Return travel protec­tion

Subse­quent travel costs in the event of a trip inter­rup­tion, accom­mo­da­tion and return travel costs

Delay protec­tion

If public trans­port is delayed by more than 2 hours, we reim­burse addi­tional outward journey costs, accom­mo­da­tion costs and return journey costs.

Transfer protec­tion

If the feeder flight is delayed by more than 2 hours at the connec­ting airport in Europe, we reim­burse addi­tional transfer costs, costs for a new booking and accom­mo­da­tion costs.

Reim­bur­se­ment of deduc­tible

If your travel booking already includes cancel­la­tion insurance (with a deduc­tible), we pay the deduc­tible charged by the primary insurer (e.g. credit card, tour operator) up to 20% of the insured travel price. 

Luggage insurance

Repla­ce­ment for damaged, lost or late baggage.

Travel acci­dent coverage

Reim­bur­se­ment of expenses in the event of death or disa­bi­lity

Personal assis­tance

World­wide acces­sible 24-hour travel emer­gency call provides support in urgent cases during the trip, for example if you lose your means of payment.

Travel health insurance

Cost sharing for medi­cally necessary healing measures in the event of unex­pected illnesses or acci­dents of the insured person while trave­ling abroad.

Travel liabi­lity insurance

Liabi­lity risks of ever­yday life and rental damages.

 until € 750.000 until € 1 Mio.
Maximum trip dura­tion364 days364 days
Addi­tio­nally insured items
  • Acuteness of chronic or exis­ting condi­tions
  • Death or inpa­tient treat­ment of a related unre­lated person
  • Docu­ment theft
  • Failure to trans­port equip­ment
  • Endan­ge­ring physical secu­rity at the holiday desti­na­tion
  • Disease of dog, cat, horse
Deduc­tible20 % (for medical expenses abroad if claims are not made to social/​​​​​private insurance)
Affor­dable family tariff
Sample price

from € 3

(per day, within Europe)
Calcu­late & book

from € 4

(per day, within Europe)
Calcu­late & book

The most important bene­fits – at a glance

Trip interruption insurance
What´s coveredCare­freePremium
In case of travel cancel­la­tion
In case of travel cancel­la­tion
Full refund of the travel price if the trip is cancelled within the first half of the trip (max. within the first 8 days)
Full refund of the travel price if the trip is cancelled within the first half of the trip (max. within the first 8 days)
Reim­bur­se­ment of unused travel services if the trip is inter­rupted during the second half of the trip (from the 9th day at the latest)
Reim­bur­se­ment of unused travel services if the trip is inter­rupted during the second half of the trip (from the 9th day at the latest)
Reim­bur­se­ment of demons­trably incurred addi­tional return travel costs and other addi­tional costs directly caused by this
Reim­bur­se­ment of demons­trably incurred addi­tional return travel costs and other addi­tional costs directly caused by this
In case of travel inter­rup­tion
In case of travel inter­rup­tion
Reim­bur­se­ment of unused travel services
Reim­bur­se­ment of unused travel services
Repay­ment of travel expenses, for a round trip or cruise, in order to be able to return to the tour group
Repay­ment of travel expenses, for a round trip or cruise, in order to be able to return to the tour group
In case of late return
In case of late return
Reim­bur­se­ment of accom­mo­da­tion costs for extended stay in the event of inca­pa­city for trans­port and elemen­tary events
Reim­bur­se­ment of accom­mo­da­tion costs for extended stay in the event of inca­pa­city for trans­port and elemen­tary events
Reim­bur­se­ment of addi­tional return travel costs and related costs
Reim­bur­se­ment of addi­tional return travel costs and related costs
Insured reasons
Insured reasons
Unex­pected serious illness
Unex­pected serious illness
Unex­pected worse­ning of an exis­ting condi­tion
Unex­pected worse­ning of an exis­ting condi­tion-
Death, serious acci­dent injury
Death, serious acci­dent injury
Pregnancy, compli­ca­tions during pregnancy
Pregnancy, compli­ca­tions during pregnancy
Frac­ture of pros­t­heses, loose­ning of implanted arti­cu­la­tion
Frac­ture of pros­t­heses, loose­ning of implanted arti­cu­la­tion
Signi­fi­cant damage to property due to fire, water pipe break-in, burglary
Signi­fi­cant damage to property due to fire, water pipe break-in, burglary
Inpa­tient treat­ment or death of a loved one
Inpa­tient treat­ment or death of a loved one-
Finan­cial damage caused by property offences (theft, damage to property) or acci­dent
Finan­cial damage caused by property offences (theft, damage to property) or acci­dent-
Return trip, delay and transfer protection
What´s coveredCare­freePremium
Post-travel costs in case of inter­rup­tion of travel, accom­mo­da­tion and return travel costs
Post-travel costs in case of inter­rup­tion of travel, accom­mo­da­tion and return travel costs
Addi­tional outward travel costs, accom­mo­da­tion costs and return travel costs if public trans­port is delayed by more than 2 hours
Addi­tional outward travel costs, accom­mo­da­tion costs and return travel costs if public trans­port is delayed by more than 2 hours
Addi­tional return travel costs in case of delay of the feeder flight
Addi­tional return travel costs in case of delay of the feeder flight-
Costs of reboo­king in case of delay of the feeder flight
Costs of reboo­king in case of delay of the feeder flightup to € 250up to € 500
Accom­mo­da­tion costs in case of delay of the feeder flight
Accom­mo­da­tion costs in case of delay of the feeder flightup to € 50up to € 75
Reimbursement of deductible
What´s coveredCare­freePremium
Exclu­sion of deduc­tible from exis­ting cancel­la­tion insurance (e. g. credit card, tour operator, etc. ) up to 20% of the travel price
Exclu­sion of deduc­tible from exis­ting cancel­la­tion insurance (e. g. credit card, tour operator, etc. ) up to 20% of the travel price
Luggage insurance
What´s coveredCare­freePremium
Damage and loss (by trans­porter), theft, damage in traffic acci­dents and damage caused by fire, explo­sion or elemen­tary events
Damage and loss (by trans­porter), theft, damage in traffic acci­dents and damage caused by fire, explo­sion or elemen­tary eventsup to € 2.000 (Single)

up to € 4.000 (Family)
up to € 3.500 € (Single)

up to € 7.000 (Family)
Repla­ce­ment purchases in case of luggage delay at desti­na­tion
Repla­ce­ment purchases in case of luggage delay at desti­na­tionup to € 500 per person or € 1.000 per familyup to € 750 per person or € 1.500 per family
Travel accident coverage
What´s coveredCare­freePremium
Amount insured
Amount insured
Sum insured in the event of death
Sum insured in the event of death€ 10.000€ 20.000
In case of inva­li­dity 
In case of inva­li­dity € 20.000€ 40.000
Rescue costs
Rescue costs€ 20.000€ 80.000
Cosmetic surgery costs
Cosmetic surgery costs-€ 5.000
Travel health insurance
What´s coveredCare­freePremium
Outpa­tient treat­ment
Outpa­tient treat­ment
Pain-reli­e­ving dental treat­ment
Pain-reli­e­ving dental treat­ment
Medi­cines and bandages
Medi­cines and bandages
Radia­tion, light and other physical treat­ments
Radia­tion, light and other physical treat­ments
Massages, packs, inha­la­tions and physio­the­rapy
Massages, packs, inha­la­tions and physio­the­rapy
Aid prescribed
Aid prescribed
X-ray diagnostics
X-ray diagnostics
Inpa­tient treat­ment
Inpa­tient treat­mentup to € 300.000100 %
Medi­cally necessary pregnancy treat­ments and prema­ture births
Medi­cally necessary pregnancy treat­ments and prema­ture births
Medical trans­port for inpa­tient treat­ment
Medical trans­port for inpa­tient treat­ment
Medi­cally sensible return trans­port of pati­ents
Medi­cally sensible return trans­port of pati­ents
Costs for an accom­panying person in case of return trans­port of sick persons
Costs for an accom­panying person in case of return trans­port of sick persons
Transfer costs
Transfer costs
Funeral costs abroad
Funeral costs abroad
Subse­quent payments abroad
Subse­quent payments abroad
Dispatch of medi­cines
Dispatch of medi­cines
Visit to the hospital – in case of hospital stay longer than 5 days
Visit to the hospital – in case of hospital stay longer than 5 days-
Infor­ma­tion about local doctors
Infor­ma­tion about local doctors
Commu­ni­ca­tion of infor­ma­tion between doctors
Commu­ni­ca­tion of infor­ma­tion between doctors
Travel liability insurance
What´s coveredCare­freePremium
Liabi­lity risks of ever­yday life
Liabi­lity risks of ever­yday life€ 750.000€ 1 Mio. 
Rental damage per insured event
Rental damage per insured event€ 25.000€ 25.000

Ques­tions and Answers

By when can I take out the travel protection insurance?

By 1 day before departure

You can take out travel insurance up to one day before departure.

How long is the travel cover valid?

Maximum 364 days

You adjust the term of the travel protection insurance according to the duration of your chosen trip. The maximum term is 364 days.

For whom is the Carefree or Premium travel protection particularly suitable?

Long-term travellers, active holidaymakers, travellers with children

We particularly recommend the Carefree or Premium travel protection if you are planning a long-term stay, especially in non-EU countries. In addition, travel protection is suitable if you are travelling with children or for active holidays, where there is usually a higher risk of accidents.

Is there a family plan?

Yes, for up to 7 people in total

Yes. A maximum of 2 adults and accompanying children up to the age of 21 are considered as a family – regardless of the relationship. In total, you can insure up to 7 people in the family plan.

Can deductible costs arise?

Depending on the plan you choose

With the Premium plan, you can expect no deductible costs. In the Carefree plan, a deductible of 20% applies to medical expenses abroad without submission to the private/social insurance.

Discover the Mobile Pass

Never print insurance documents anymore – with the Mobile Pass you can digitally store contract data on your smartphone or tablet.

Did you know? Facts about travel protec­tion insurance

Suitable for whom?

Are you planning a holiday and don't want to worry about unpleasant incidents during the trip? With HanseMerkur travel protection insurance, you and your family are well covered anywhere in the world. Travel insurance is particularly recommended if you are travelling for a long time in a non-EU country: This is because our offer is valid for a travel duration of up to 364 days at a stretch.

In addition to long-term travellers, active holidaymakers also benefit from travel protection insurance from HanseMerkur. Even a little carelessness on a hiking, cycling or diving trip is enough to cause an accident. Thanks to travel accident, international health and travel curtailment insurance with 24-hour travel emergency call service that come included, you receive immediate help on the spot and protect yourself against high treatment costs at the doctor's or hospital.

Premium bene­fits

HanseMerkur travel protection insurance is available in the Carefree and Premium variants. The Premium variant includes a number of additional benefits for you and your dependants:

- Additional loss events insured
- Higher reimbursements
- Extra benefits, e.g. guardian angels for damage to the house or car
- Unlimited treatment costs for inpatient stays abroad
- Hotel costs covered for co-insured persons

We particularly recommend the Premium variant if you suffer from chronic illnesses. Should your condition become acute, the travel insurance covers this.

In the event of cancel­la­tion

Between the planning and the start of a trip, there is usually a long period of time during which a lot can happen. If you are unable to take a trip due to an unexpected event, you may incur considerable financial loss. With individually bookable travel cancellation insurance, you are optimally covered, as we assume your costs in the event of travel cancellation. If you would like to combine both travel insurance policies, we recommend our travel insurance "Cancellation & Travel Protection".

Important docu­ments for down­load

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3 €

(per day - in Europe)

Calcu­late & book


4 €

(per day - in Europe)

Calcu­late & book

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