Coverage in Austria for foreign guests – optimal protection for self-drivers

Austrian protection for foreign guests
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Austria Protection for Guests

  • Cancellation costs and overseas health cover
  • Self-drive with car, motorhome, motorbike
  • Suitable for holiday flats, hotels & camping
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Your benefits

Are you planning a trip to Austria as a foreign guest? With insurance protection for Austria, we offer you the best possible cover for travelling to Austria yourself by car, motorhome or motorbike. If something happens to you before or during your trip, we will refund the cancellation costs for accommodation and leisure activities. In addition, the travel insurance reliably protects you in the event of illness, accidents and breakdowns in Austria and temporary stays in other EU countries.

100% refund in case of curtailment in the first half of the journey

Outpatient/inpatient treatments

Can be combined with rental car cover

24-hour emergency call service

Tariff overview

Travel cancellation insurance 

Reimbursement in the event of travel cancellation, rebooking, no or delayed travel.

Trip interruption insurance 
Travel interruption insurance highlights
  • Refund of the entire travel price if cancelled within the first half of the trip (max. 8 days)
  • Refund of unused travel services within the second half of the trip (from day 9)
  • Insured events include unexpected, serious illnesses, pregnancy, damage to property
  • The premium rate also secures many other events
Travel health insurance 
Travel health insurance highlights:
  • Out-patient & in-patient treatment
  • Pain-relieving, conservative dental treatments
  • Surgery, medicine, bandages
Personal assistance
Travel-Assistence insurance
  • Worldwide accessible 24-hour travel emergency call
  • In criminal prosecution
  • In case of loss of travel documents and means of payment

Luggage insurance 

Replacement for damaged, lost or late baggage.

Breakdown assistance

Organization and assumption of costs for breakdown assistance/towing/recovery in the event of a car breakdown or an accident.

Travel accident coverage

Reimbursement of expenses in the event of death or disability

Travel liability insurance

Liability risks of everyday life and rental damages.

up to € 750.000
Rental car insurance 
Rental car insurance highlights
  • For rental cars, campers & motorcycles
  • Exclusion of deductible in case of theft 
  • Assumption of excess in the event of accidents
Maximum trip dura­tion31 days
Scope of coverAustria & temporary trips to the EU/​Schengen countries
Number of tripsSingle trip 
Mode of paymentone-off payment 
Sample price

from € 65

(Duration up to 31 days - travel price up to 500 €)
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(✓)  individually combinable

The most important benefits – at a glance

Travel cancellation insurance
What´s coveredCome to Austria
In the event of non-commencement of the journey/non-use of the rental property
In the event of non-commencement of the journey/non-use of the rental property
Reimbursement of cancellation costs for insured events
Reimbursement of cancellation costs for insured events
In case of delayed departure
In case of delayed departure
Reimbursement of additional outward journey costs incurred
Reimbursement of additional outward journey costs incurred
When rebooking the trip
When rebooking the trip
Reim­bur­se­ment of reboo­king costs for reboo­king for an insured reason
Reim­bur­se­ment of reboo­king costs for reboo­king for an insured reason
Reim­bur­se­ment of reboo­king costs up to € 30 for reboo­king up to 42 days before depar­ture
Reim­bur­se­ment of reboo­king costs up to € 30 for reboo­king up to 42 days before depar­ture
Insured reasons
Insured reasons
Unex­pected worse­ning of an exis­ting condi­tion
Unex­pected worse­ning of an exis­ting condi­tion
Unex­pected serious illness
Unex­pected serious illness
Death, serious acci­dental injury
Death, serious acci­dental injury
Pregnancy after travel booking
Pregnancy after travel booking
Frac­ture of pros­t­heses, loose­ning of implanted articulation
Frac­ture of pros­t­heses, loose­ning of implanted articulation
Failing the Matura/​trai­ning exam or failing at school
Failing the Matura/​trai­ning exam or failing at school
Job loss with subse­quent unem­ploy­ment
Job loss with subse­quent unem­ploy­ment
Signi­fi­cant damage to property
Signi­fi­cant damage to property
Unex­pected court summons
Unex­pected court summons
Divorce suit, disso­lu­tion of regis­tered part­nership
Divorce suit, disso­lu­tion of regis­tered part­nership
Change of job, short-time work
Change of job, short-time work
Re-employ­ment after unem­ploy­ment
Re-employ­ment after unem­ploy­ment
Significant damage (min. € 2 500) to a sports equipment necessary for the purpose of the trip within one week before the start of the trip
Significant damage (min. € 2 500) to a sports equipment necessary for the purpose of the trip within one week before the start of the trip
Trip interruption insurance
What´s coveredCome to Austria
In case of travel cancellation
In case of travel cancellation
Full refund of the travel price if the trip is cancelled within the first half of the trip (max. within the first 8 days)
Full refund of the travel price if the trip is cancelled within the first half of the trip (max. within the first 8 days)
Reimbursement of unused travel services if the trip is interrupted during the second half of the trip (from the 9th day at the latest)
Reimbursement of unused travel services if the trip is interrupted during the second half of the trip (from the 9th day at the latest)
Reimbursement of demonstrably incurred additional return travel costs and other additional costs directly caused by this
Reimbursement of demonstrably incurred additional return travel costs and other additional costs directly caused by this
In case of travel interruption
In case of travel interruption
Reimbursement of unused travel services
Reimbursement of unused travel services
In case of late return
In case of late return
Reimbursement of accommodation costs for extended stay in the event of incapacity for transport and elementary events
Reimbursement of accommodation costs for extended stay in the event of incapacity for transport and elementary events
Reimbursement of additional return travel costs and related costs
Reimbursement of additional return travel costs and related costs
Insured reasons
Insured reasons
Unexpected serious illness
Unexpected serious illness
Death, serious accident injury
Death, serious accident injury
Pregnancy, complications during pregnancy
Pregnancy, complications during pregnancy
Fracture of prostheses, loosening of implanted articulation
Fracture of prostheses, loosening of implanted articulation
Significant damage to property as a result of fire, water pipe break-in, burglary or elementary events
Significant damage to property as a result of fire, water pipe break-in, burglary or elementary events
Travel health insurance
What´s coveredCome To Austria
Outpatient medical treatment
Outpatient medical treatment
Pain-relieving, conservative dental treatment
Pain-relieving, conservative dental treatment€ 250
Inpatient medical treatment
Inpatient medical treatment
Radiation therapy, light therapy, and other physical treatments
Radiation therapy, light therapy, and other physical treatments
X-ray diagnostics
X-ray diagnostics
Medical transport for inpatient treatment
Medical transport for inpatient treatment
Medically sensible return transport of patients
Medically sensible return transport of patients
Subsequent payments abroad
Subsequent payments abroad1 month
Personal Assistance insurance

What´s coveredCome To Austria
Travel call
Travel call
In criminal proceedings
In criminal proceedings
Assistance in cases of arrest and threat of arrest (loans)
Assistance in cases of arrest and threat of arrest (loans)up to € 3.000
Penalty bond (loans)
Penalty bond (loans)up to € 13.000
In the case of travel irregularities
In the case of travel irregularities
Loss of travel funds (loans)
Loss of travel funds (loans)bis 1.500 €
Help in case of loss of credit cards and debit cards
Help in case of loss of credit cards and debit cards
Loss of travel documents
Loss of travel documents
Help with rebookings/delays
Help with rebookings/delays
Guardian angel for your house (emergency repairs)
Guardian angel for your house (emergency repairs)
Travel luggage insurance
What´s coveredCome To Austria
Damage and loss (by transporter), theft, damage in traffic accidents and damage caused by fire, explosion or elementary events
Damage and loss (by transporter), theft, damage in traffic accidents and damage caused by fire, explosion or elementary eventsup to € 4.000
Replacement purchases in case of luggage delay at destination
Replacement purchases in case of luggage delay at destinationup to € 250
Destroyed, damaged or lost sports equipment (replacement of the rental fee for a new sports equipment)
Destroyed, damaged or lost sports equipment (replacement of the rental fee for a new sports equipment)up to € 100
What´s coveredCome To Austria
In Austria and Europe when driving a private or a rental car
In Austria and Europe when driving a private or a rental car
Assistance at the point of damage and towing costs in the event of an accident or breakdown
Assistance at the point of damage and towing costs in the event of an accident or breakdownup to € 300
Additional travel expenses in case of breakdown, accident or theft of your vehicle
Additional travel expenses in case of breakdown, accident or theft of your vehicleup to € 2.500
Reimbursement of costs for return journey/overnight stay/vehicle pick-up in case of driver failure
Reimbursement of costs for return journey/overnight stay/vehicle pick-up in case of driver failure
Travel accident insurance
What´s coveredCome To Austria
Amount insured
Amount insured
Rescue costs
Rescue costsup to € 20.000
Cast money (e. g. after a bone fracture)
Cast money (e. g. after a bone fracture)€ 50/day
Travel liability insurance
What´s coveredCome To Austria
Liability risks of everyday life
Liability risks of everyday life€ 750.000
Rental damage per insured event
Rental damage per insured event€ 25.000
Rental car insurance
What´s coveredCome To Austria
Amount insured
Amount insured
Cars, Camper van/Campers, Motorcycles
Cars, Camper van/Campers, Motorcycles2.500 €
Insured benefits
Insured benefits
Reimbursement of deductible in case of damage to the shell
Reimbursement of deductible in case of damage to the shell
Reasons insured
Reasons insured
Damage to the rental vehicle due to an accident
Damage to the rental vehicle due to an accident
Total theft of the rental vehicle by criminal acts of third parties
Total theft of the rental vehicle by criminal acts of third parties

Questions and Answers

Who can take out insurance?

Guests in Austria or the Schengen States

You can claim insurance protection in Austria for foreign guests if you are staying temporarily in Austria or the Schengen states and if you are not subject to any statutory health insurance obligation in Austria (e.g. as an employee subject to social insurance).

Is there a deadline for taking out cancellation insurance?

Within 3 working days after booking the trip

Each insurance contract that includes cancellation protection insurance or excess insurance must be taken out no later than the 3rd working day (Monday - Saturday) after booking the trip (booking date + 3 working days). If the insurance is taken out later, insurance cover is only available for events that occur from the 10th day after taking out the insurance ("waiting period").

How long is the insurance cover valid?

A maximum of 31 days

You adjust the insurance cover individually to the duration of your trip. With insurance protection for Austria for foreign guests, you travel for up to 31 days at a time and are comprehensively protected.

Does the insurance cover for foreign guests only apply in Austria?

No, for all Schengen states

With travel insurance, you are well covered as a foreign guest, and not only in Austria. This insurance cover also applies to temporary travel to other European Schengen states, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican City.

Discover the Mobile Pass

Never print insurance documents anymore – with the Mobile Pass you can digitally store contract data on your smartphone or tablet.

Important documents for download

All important documents at a glance for printing or saving:

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Austria protec­tion for guests

65 €

(Travel duration up to 31 days - travel price up to 500 €)

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