Cancellation and travel protection for car, train & bus journeys

Travel insurance car
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Travel insurance for transport by car, train & bus

  • For European trips up to 31 days
  • Roadside assistance included
  • Favourable family rates

Your benefits

Free travel in the direction of "recreation": If you are going on holiday by road or rail, you can protect yourself and your loved ones perfectly with travel insurance for car, bus or train. For example, if you fall ill before the trip, the cancellation insurance will cover you. On the road, travel insurance protects you from costs due to an unexpected trip interruption or in the event of an early return. For even more comprehensive benefits, book our Cancellation & Travel Protection.

* Protection in case of quarantine and being denied boarding. Also applies in the event of a travel warning of security level 5 to 6. In addition, cover in all lines of the underlying main product, e.g. health insurance.

Cancellation insurance before the trip

Sickness and accident cover during the trip

Can be combined with Coronavirus supplementary protection*

Tariff over­view

Car-train-bus-packageCancellation & travel protection
Cancellation insurance

Reimbursement in the event of travel cancellation, rebooking, no or delayed travel.

Trip inter­rup­tion insurance

Reimbursement of costs if you need to cancel, interrupt or extend the trip.

Return travel protection

Subsequent travel costs in the event of a trip interruption, accommodation and return travel costs

Delay protection

If public transport is delayed by more than 2 hours, we reimburse additional outward journey costs, accommodation costs and return journey costs.

Transfer protection

If the feeder flight is delayed by more than 2 hours at the connecting airport in Europe, we reimburse additional transfer costs, costs for a new booking and accommodation costs.

Reimbursement of deductible

If your travel booking already includes cancellation insurance (with a deductible), we pay the deductible charged by the primary insurer (e.g. credit card, tour operator) up to 20% of the insured travel price. 

Personal assistance

Worldwide accessible 24-hour travel emergency call provides support in urgent cases during the trip, for example if you lose your means of payment.

Luggage insurance

Replacement for damaged, lost or late baggage.

Travel accident coverage

Reimbursement of expenses in the event of death or disability

Breakdown assistance

Organization and assumption of costs for breakdown assistance/towing/recovery in the event of a car breakdown or an accident.

Travel health insurance

Cost sharing for medically necessary healing measures in the event of unexpected illnesses or accidents of the insured person while traveling abroad.

Travel liability insurance

Liability risks of everyday life and rental damages.

Corona travel protection

Supplements your travel insurance with additional protection in the event of domestic isolation (quarantine) or refused boarding.

Maximum trip dura­tion31 days31 days
Scope of coverEuropeEurope/​Globally
Number of tripsSingle tripSingle trip
Excess* *
Price overviewTravel insurance
Corona insurance
Travel insurance
Corona insurance

Sample price

€ 9

(Duration 31 days - travel price up to 75 €)

€ 18 

(Duration 5 days - Travel price up to 100 €)
(✓) individually combinable* 20% deductible for medical expenses abroad, provided the claims were not first asserted with social or private insurance.

At a glance – the most important benefits

Cancellation insurance
What’s coveredCar-train-bus-packageCancel­la­tion & travel protec­tion
In the event of non-commencement of the journey/non-use of the rental property
In the event of non-commencement of the journey/non-use of the rental property
Reimbursement of cancellation costs for insured events
Reimbursement of cancellation costs for insured events
Reimbursement of single supplements
Reimbursement of single supplements-
In case of delayed departure
In case of delayed departure
Reimbursement of additional outward journey costs incurred
Reimbursement of additional outward journey costs incurred
When rebooking the trip
When rebooking the trip
Reimbursement of rebooking costs for rebooking for an insured reason
Reimbursement of rebooking costs for rebooking for an insured reason
Reimbursement of rebooking costs up to € 30 for rebooking up to 42 days before departure
Reimbursement of rebooking costs up to € 30 for rebooking up to 42 days before departure
Insured reasons
Insured reasons
Unexpected serious illness
Unexpected serious illness
Death, serious accidental injury
Death, serious accidental injury
Pregnancy after travel booking
Pregnancy after travel booking
Fracture of prostheses, loosening of implanted joints
Fracture of prostheses, loosening of implanted joints
Failing the Matura/training exam or failing at school
Failing the Matura/training exam or failing at school
Job loss with subsequent unemployment
Job loss with subsequent unemployment
Significant damage to property
Significant damage to property
Unexpected court summons
Unexpected court summons
Divorce suit, dissolution of registered partnership
Divorce suit, dissolution of registered partnership
Change of job, short-time work
Change of job, short-time work
Re-employment after unemployment
Re-employment after unemployment
Trip inter­rup­tion insurance (within Cancel­la­tion & travel protec­tion)
What’s covered
In case of travel cancellation
In case of travel cancellation
Reimbursement of the entire travel price if the trip is canceled within the first half of the trip (max. within the first 8 days).
Reimbursement of the entire travel price if the trip is canceled within the first half of the trip (max. within the first 8 days).
Reimbursement of unused travel services if the trip is broken off within the second half of the trip (at the latest from the 9th day).
Reimbursement of unused travel services if the trip is broken off within the second half of the trip (at the latest from the 9th day).
Reimbursement of the demonstrably incurred additional return journey costs and the other additional costs directly caused by this
Reimbursement of the demonstrably incurred additional return journey costs and the other additional costs directly caused by this
In case of travel interruption
In case of travel interruption
Reimbursement of unused travel services
Reimbursement of unused travel services
Reimbursement of subsequent travel costs for a round trip or cruise in order to be able to return to the travel group
Reimbursement of subsequent travel costs for a round trip or cruise in order to be able to return to the travel group
In case of late return
In case of late return
Reimbursement of accommodation costs for the extended stay in the event of inability to transport and natural hazards
Reimbursement of accommodation costs for the extended stay in the event of inability to transport and natural hazards
Reimbursement of the additional return travel costs and the costs incurred as a result
Reimbursement of the additional return travel costs and the costs incurred as a result
Insured reasons
Insured reasons
Unexpected serious illness
Unexpected serious illness
Unexpected worsening of an existing condition
Unexpected worsening of an existing condition-
Death, serious accidental injury
Death, serious accidental injury
Pregnancy, complications during pregnancy
Pregnancy, complications during pregnancy
Fracture of prostheses, loosening of implanted joints
Fracture of prostheses, loosening of implanted joints
Significant damage to property as a result of fire, burst water pipe, burglary
Significant damage to property as a result of fire, burst water pipe, burglary
Hospitalization or death of a loved one
Hospitalization or death of a loved one-
Financial damage caused by crimes against property (theft, damage to property) or as a result of an accident
Financial damage caused by crimes against property (theft, damage to property) or as a result of an accident-
Return travel protec­tion
What’s coveredCar-train-bus-packageCancel­la­tion & travel protec­tion
Subsequent travel costs in the event of a trip interruption, accommodation and return travel costs
Subsequent travel costs in the event of a trip interruption, accommodation and return travel costs
Delay and transfer protection
What’s covered
Additional outward journey costs, accommodation costs and return journey costs if public transport is delayed by more than 2 hours
Additional outward journey costs, accommodation costs and return journey costs if public transport is delayed by more than 2 hours
Additional return travel costs if the feeder flight is delayed
Additional return travel costs if the feeder flight is delayed-
Cost of rebooking if the feeder flight is delayed
Cost of rebooking if the feeder flight is delayedup to 250 €
Accommodation costs if the feeder flight is delayed
Accommodation costs if the feeder flight is delayedup to 50 €
Reim­bur­se­ment of deduc­tible
What’s covered
Exclusion of the excess of an existing cancellation insurance (e.g. via credit card, tour operator, etc.) up to 20% of the travel price
Exclusion of the excess of an existing cancellation insurance (e.g. via credit card, tour operator, etc.) up to 20% of the travel price
Personal Assistance insurance
What’s coveredCar-train-bus-packageCancel­la­tion & travel protec­tion
Travel call
Travel call
In law enforcement
In law enforcement
Help with imprisonment and threat of imprisonment (loan)
Help with imprisonment and threat of imprisonment (loan)up to 3.000 €up to 3.000 €
Bail (loan)
Bail (loan)up to 13.000 €up to 13.000 €
In the event of loss of means of payment and documents
In the event of loss of means of payment and documents
Loss of travel funds (loan)
Loss of travel funds (loan)up to 1.500 €up to 1.500 €
Help with loss of credit cards and EC or Maestro cards
Help with loss of credit cards and EC or Maestro cards
Loss of travel documents
Loss of travel documents
Help with booking changes/delays
Help with booking changes/delays
Travel Baggage Insurance
What’s coveredCar-train-bus-packageCancel­la­tion & travel protec­tion
Damage and loss (by the carrier), theft, damage caused by traffic accidents and damage caused by fire, explosion or natural hazards
Damage and loss (by the carrier), theft, damage caused by traffic accidents and damage caused by fire, explosion or natural hazardsup to 2.000 € (Individuals) up to 4.000 € (Familys)up to 2.000 € (Individuals) up to 4.000 € (Familys)
Replacement purchases in the event of baggage delays at the destination
Replacement purchases in the event of baggage delays at the destinationup to 250 €up to 250 €
Travel Accident Coverage
What’s coveredCar-train-bus-packageCancel­la­tion & travel protec­tion)
Sum insured
Sum insured
In case of death
In case of death10.000 €10.000 €
In the event of disability
In the event of disabilityup to 20.000 €up to 20.000 €
Vehicle assistance
What’s covered
In Austria and Europe when driving a private car
In Austria and Europe when driving a private car
Assistance at the site of damage and payment of towing costs in the event of an accident or breakdown
Assistance at the site of damage and payment of towing costs in the event of an accident or breakdownup to 300 €
Payment of additional travel expenses
Payment of additional travel expensesup to 2.500 €
Assumption of the shipping costs for spare parts dispatch
Assumption of the shipping costs for spare parts dispatch
Travel Health Insurance
What’s coveredCar-train-bus-packageCancel­la­tion & travel protec­tion
Outpatient treatments
Outpatient treatments
Painkilling dental treatment
Painkilling dental treatment
Medicines and bandages
Medicines and bandages
Private/Hotel doctor
Private/Hotel doctor
Child repatriation by caregiver
Child repatriation by caregiver
Subsequent payments abroad
Subsequent payments abroad
Declaration of assumption of costs towards hospitals
Declaration of assumption of costs towards hospitals
Daily hospital allowance
Daily hospital allowance50 €/day50 €/day
Inpatient treatment
Inpatient treatmentup to 300.000 €up to 300.000 €
Ambulance transport for inpatient treatment
Ambulance transport for inpatient treatment
Transport home including ambulance jet
Transport home including ambulance jet
Hotel costs in the event of illness of fellow travelers
Hotel costs in the event of illness of fellow travelersup to 2.500 €up to 2.500 €
Transfer/Funeral costs
Transfer/Funeral costs
Travel Liability Insurance
What’s covered
Liability risks of everyday life
Liability risks of everyday life€ 750.000
Rental damage per insured event
Rental damage per insured event€ 25.000

Our tip: all the important answers about your travel insurance and Covid-19 can be found in our frequently asked questions about Covid-19.

Coronavirus-FAQ Travel insurance

Questions and Answers

Is there a deadline for taking out cancellation insurance?

Within 3 working days after booking the trip

Each insurance contract that includes cancellation protection insurance or excess insurance must be taken out no later than the 3rd working day (Monday - Saturday) after booking the trip (booking date + 3 working days). If the insurance is taken out later, insurance cover is only available for events that occur from the 10th day after taking out the insurance ("waiting period").

How long is the insurance cover valid?

Maximum up to 31 days

You adjust the insurance cover individually to the duration of your trip. With travel insurance for transport by car, bus and train, you can travel for a maximum of up to 31 days and are comprehensively protected. 

I am travelling with my family. Which plan should we choose?

Conditions for families

If you are travelling with your family, you can benefit from our family plan. A family is defined as a maximum of 2 adults and accompanying children up to the age of 21, irrespective of their relationship. In total, you can insure up to 7 people in the family plan.

In which geographical area is the travel insurance valid?


With our travel insurance for transport by car, bus and train, you are protected on your journey throughout Europe.

Up to what price can I insure my trip?

A maximum of € 10,000 per person/family

You can insure your trip with car, bus and train insurance up to € 10,000 per person/family. To secure travel prices over €10,000 for individuals as well as families, please contact our Service Centre at or +43 1 317-7859.

Coronavirus: When does the cancellation/travel curtailment insurance pay out?

COVID-19 disease is considered an insured event

If an insured person or a close relative falls ill with COVID-19, we will provide cover for this reason for cancellation (in deviation from our insurance terms and conditions). Otherwise, we do not pay for events related to pandemics unless specifically stated, as in this case. Please note: Fear of falling ill, a high risk of infection, a travel warning from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or a state-mandated quarantine due to a suspected COVID-19 do not constitute insured events.

If the insured person or a close relative falls ill with COVID-19 and the trip has to be interrupted as a result, HanseMerkur will reimburse the unused travel services and – depending on the plan selected – also the costs of an early return trip.

Tip: If an insured person's temperature is elevated at the airport of departure or destination, a doctor must be consulted immediately at the airport to discuss the matter and obtain a medical certificate. This is the only way we can check whether an insured event has occurred.

Further information on the Coronavirus

What does international health insurance cover ensure in the event of COVID-19?

Payment of medical treatment costs 

If the insured person falls ill with COVID-19 during the trip, HanseMerkur will cover all medical treatment costs including a COVID test carried out on the basis of clear symptoms. 

Items not insured include:

  • the costs of a quarantine
  • Costs incurred on the basis of the mere presumption of COVID disease (test negative)
  • Cost of a COVID test to meet entry requirements
  • Costs if there was already a travel warning level 5 or 6 in place before departure

Discover the Mobile Pass

Never print insurance documents anymore – with the Mobile Pass you can digitally store contract data on your smartphone or tablet.

Did you know? Facts about travel insurance for transport by car, bus and rail?

Suitable for whom?

If you are travelling on your own by car, train or bus, then the Cancellation & Travel Protection package is the first choice. This travel insurance includes exactly those benefits that provide you with optimum protection when travelling individually by bus, train or car. If, for example, you do not go on a trip due to unforeseen circumstances, you can make a claim under the travel cancellation insurance. The cancellation cover for car, train and bus covers additional costs incurred due to a no-show.

During the trip, the extra return travel cover, among other things, protects you against costs arising from an unexpected curtailment to the trip or an early return journey. Our travel insurance for transport by car, train and bus also includes travel health, travel accident and luggage insurance.

Assistance at the scene of the incident

You broke down on the road or there was a "crash"? Our travel insurance for transport by car organises help quickly in the event of a car breakdown or accident. Simply call our 24-hour travel emergency service and we will send you a breakdown service or a towing service.

Tip for frequent travellers

The travel insurance policy for transport by car, bus and train is valid for trips up to 31 days. If you travel several times a year, an annual travel insurance policy is usually worthwhile. The policy protects you for 1 year on as many trips as you wish against unforeseen events before and during your stay. Choose the standard Carefree plan or our Premium plan with many additional benefits for you and your dependants.

Product recommendation for: