
HanseMerkur – innovative and traditional

HanseMerkur is a personal insurer specialising in health insurance and travel insurance. As the second oldest health insurer in Germany, it offers outstanding insurance cover in health care, both as a supplement to statutory health insurance and in private comprehensive insurance. With premium income of more than two billion euros, HanseMerkur has been convincing for many years as a financially strong medium-sized personal insurer in the business segments of health and long-term care, risk and old-age provision, travel and leisure as well as property and accident. 

In the financial centre of Hamburg, HanseMerkur is the only independent insurance group operating nationwide. In its almost 150-year history, HanseMerkur has developed into a modern financial services provider with over 2,400 employees and independent agency owners. Today, every seventh German citizen is insured with HanseMerkur. The parent company of the HanseMerkur Group is a mutual insurance association (VVaG). As such, HanseMerkur is solely committed to its customers and employees.

Growth is driven by the main business segment of health and long-term care. The company increased its premium income to EUR 1,965.8 million in 2023. For the 22nd year in a row, HanseMerkur Krankenversicherung AG recorded above-market-average net growth in comprehensive health insurance with 9,400 new policyholders. The number of supplementary policyholders has grown by 15,000. HanseMerkur is one of the largest providers of private supplementary health insurance cover and co-operates with DAK-Gesundheit, Hamburger Sparkasse and other savings banks.

As a quality provider of security concepts in the tourism and business travel sectors, HanseMerkur Reiseversicherung AG (HMR) is one of the largest companies in the tourism insurance industry in Germany.

In addition, HanseMerkur is pursuing the goal of becoming „the“ pet insurer in the coming years.